Daryl began painting in oil, following a successful career based in Illustration and Graphic Design. She draws her inspiration from family, hobbies, and the beauty of her countryside home, now in northeastern Connecticut.
She is a native of northwestern Connecticut, and earned a BFA from The School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University, Boston. She also attended Rhode Island School of Design, earning a 2 year Certificate in Advertising Design and Production.
"I almost always have a personal connection to my subject, and I have many interests such as flowers, still life, and landscapes, animals and portraits. I render in a realistic style, but try to maintain a fresh painterly expression. I work mostly from life, and when necessary, will additionally reference high resolution photographs."
2015 Salmagundi Club, New York, Photography and Graphics Exhibition for non-members
2016 CT Plein Air Painters Society, Members Exhibition
2018 CT Plein Air Painters Society, Members Exhibition:
2020 Lyme Art Association, Old Lyme, CT, Land and Sea Exhibition
2020 Lyme Art Association, Old Lyme, CT, Deck The Walls Exhibition
2021 Salmagundi Club, New York, Figuratively Speaking Exhibition
2021 Salmagundi Club, New York, Annual Open Painting and Sculpture Exhibition for non-members
2021 Allied Artists of America, 108th Annual Exhibition, The Salmagundi Club, New York
2022 Allied Artists Of America, Members Online Show
2022 16th Annual International Guild Of Realism Exhibition at McBride Gallery, Annapolis, MD
2022 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, (SMFA At Tufts), Annual Exhibition and Art Sale
2022 Mark Twain Library, Redding CT, 50th Annual Art Sale
2023 School of the Museum of Fine Arts At Tufts, Boston, (SMFA At Tufts), Annual Exhibition and Art Sale
2023 Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, Inc.,126th Annual Open Juried Exhibition at The Salmagundi Art Club, New York
2023 Mark Twain Library, Redding CT, 51st Annual Art Sale
2024 Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, Inc., Members and Associates Show at The Lyme Art Association.
2024 Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, Inc.,127th Anniversary Open Juried Exhibition, at The Salmagundi Art Club, New York
Please contact the artist if you are interested in purchasing her art as seen on this site, if you would like to discuss a personal commission, or have any other questions.